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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | others

How To Get Duplicate Driving licence In Delhi?


If you have lost your Driving License, then for duplicate driving license you need to submit

1. You have to make an application to nearest Police Office for lodging FIR or NCR (Non Cognizable Report) with details of Lost Driving License , when and where you lost including photocopy of Lost DL (if there) with your ID proof and address proof. Get an acknowledgement copy of FIR

2. Fill up RTO Form LLD for Duplicate Driving License - Its for Intimation of Loss or Destruction of Driving License. Do specify correct reason of DL Lost

3. DOB Proof and Address Proof

4. Photocopy of Old Driving License if available

5. One Passport Size Photograph

6. Fees online pay and book your time slot.
