How To Make A Showstopping Ice Cream Cake? - letsdiskuss
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Simran Kapoor

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How To Make A Showstopping Ice Cream Cake?


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For a birthday or any special occasion, nothing is as impressive as home-made ice cream cake.

Step-by-step guide to Homemade Ice Cream Cake
Either way, to make your own ice cream cake, you'll be replacing ice cream layers with cake, or cracked cookies, or with dessert sauces like chocolate or butterscotch. When making an ice cream cake, it is important to work quickly, so that the ice cream melts. Alternatively, the ice crystals can be present when you freeze the finished cake. Here is our step-by-step guide on how to make a delicious ice cream cake.
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Getting started
Stir in bread, sheet or baking pan set in the fridge for 15 minutes; roll of plastic wrap; 2 layers of cake; 3 cups of ice cream; and the passing. Remove the ice cream from the fridge and let it sit out for 15 minutes. Then, place the plastic under the panel, leaving about 6 inches on each side. Put a layer of cake on the bottom of the pan.
Top with Soft Ice Cream
Spoon 3 cups of soft ice cream over the top of the cake layer. Using a knife or offset spatula, smooth the ice cream to cover the entire cake layer.
You should have a thick layer of ice cream.
Enter the Crunch
Top the ice cream with a layer of crushed cookies, brownie slices or chocolate chips.
Apply Cream Ice on top
Spread another layer of ice cream over.
Squeeze the ice cream so it covers the cracked cookies or thick layer of your choice.
You should have another thick, firm layer of ice cream.
Second layer of cake
Top the ice cream with a second layer of cake. Then place the cake in the fridge for 1-2 hours or completely frozen.
Remove the cake from the Freezer
Remove cake from fridge. Pull the top of the plastic "handle" strips and pull the cake out of the pan.
Install the topping.
Spread the topping, fudge sauce, meringue or cooked cream, on top of the cake and place it in the fridge for an hour, or until it begins. Now that you know how to make a smooth ice cream cake at home, try these recipes for cake and ice cream.
Ice Cream Cake


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Prepare a cake, round or sheet, and let it cool. Cut the cake down the middle, width shrewd for a sheet and from the side for a round cake. Presently freeze the two parts until they are totally solidified. Freezing them will make spreading the dessert onto them a lot simpler. An unfrozen cake will tear without any problem.

Get a compartment of your preferred dessert and permit it to mollify marginally. Presently spread the frozen yogurt onto half of the cake in an even layer. It is ideal to lay scoops if dessert onto the cake intently instead of spread it on like margarine to toast. Don't hesitate to sprinkle on certain nuts, chocolate chips, a shower of caramel, anything you like too. Spot the second cake half on top, envelop it by saran wrap and freeze until strong.