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तृष्णा भट्टाचार्य

Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How to make exquisite blood and sand whisky cocktail?


Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on

This exotic cocktail is usually prepared with scotch whiskey, orange juice, and sweet vermouth, it will for sure add that spark to your boring day. It is wonderful blend of oranges and sweet vermouth with whisky gives a delightful sweet and sour taste and is going to add up that much-needed jazz to your celebrations.

Ingredients required: 50 ml scotch whiskey, 45 ml sweet vermouth and 50 ml orange juice.

Step 1

Add whisky, orange juice and sweet vermouth to a shaker. Add a spoon of juice from the maraschino cherry jar.

Step 2

Strain and garnish with a maraschino cherry. Serve chilled and enjoy this delightful cocktail.

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