In the Mahabharata, what was so unique about Lord Krishna-s Narayani Sena? - letsdiskuss
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ashutosh singh

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In the Mahabharata, what was so unique about Lord Krishna-s Narayani Sena?


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The Narayani sena was unique since it was Narayan's sena and it was prepared by Narayan himself. The Narayani sena could butcher any military.

Narayani Sena the multitude of Lord Krishna of Dwarka Kingdom is called as the incomparable Sena ever. They were the essential danger to the opponent realms. Dreading Narayani Sena, numerous Kings didn't have a go at battling against Dwaraka. Since Dwaraka figured out the greater part of the dangers Krishna's governmental issues and ability of Yadavas. Utilizing Narayani Sena, the Yadavas stretched out their realm to the greater part of India.
The all out strength of Narayani Sena was around 21,87,000 (10 Akshauhinis) Yadavas (fighters). The Sena incorporates Krishna's 18,000 siblings and cousins. The Sena had 7 Atirathas (Krishna, Balaram, Samba, Ahuka, Charudeshna, Chakradeva and Satyaki). what's more, 7 Maharathas (Kritavarma, Anadhrishti, Samika, Samitinjaya, Kanka, Sanku, Kunti).
At the point when Narayani Sena was battling for Kauravas, just Kritavarma and his military unit battled for the Kauravas. Satyaki battled for the Pandavas. The remainder of the Atirathas and Maharathas were retained from the Kurukshetra battle on the counsel of Balram.
Ruler Krishna himself said that the Narayani sena is invulnerable