BBA in mass communication | Posted on
We can say that education system is responsible for unemployment, it is not the sole culprit when it comes to unemployment in India. There are two major reasons for unemployment in India: 1) Job seekers not being good enough 2) Lack of jobs to match job seekers’ competency.
When the first point is pre-dominant, it’s the fault of our education system, but when the second point is dominating in an economy, there are various other things responsible too. In India, we have to settle somewhere in the middle, because both the reasons are relevant here.
Indian education system, we are well aware, is pre-dominantly pen-paper knowledge oriented. The real meaning of education is certainly lost in the process of generating educated people as our country’s human resource. What Indian education system lacks is practicality and creativity. These two things are very difficult to achieve when the politics is influencing the syllabus taught in school.
Our education system is entrapped in the traditional educational modes which require us to be an all-rounder. For example, be it any discipline or professional field, computer knowledge is the most basic requirement that a company demands before hiring an employee. Still, our education system has computers as an optional subject, and English, a foreign language is a compulsion to study.
Moreover, the structure of evaluation leaves no room for creative and independent thinking which is a major drawback, restricting students to become a desirable employee.
And the work force which is desirable, has competency, creativity, and talent, is often ill-paid and lacks enough opportunities. This is not the fault of education system, but that of our economy. Researches show that unemployment is more among postgraduates than among matriculation passed and undergraduates. This is because of over-population, ill-infrastructure, and ill-payment. This also leads to brain drain in our country.
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Content writer | Posted on
Education can only be a result of gain. Education can never be wasted and only will help you in making a better future but lack of education results in totally opposite. Even now we see many of the places in India where there are no schools and universities because of which a large number of people are deprived of education and are unemployed. This implies the scarcity of higher education bodies and government. Is the education system responsible for unemployment? Yes, because even in this 21st-century era most of the candidates are deprived of education and the education system is unable to impart education as per the need and requirement to remove unemployment which is directly proportional to get rid of poverty.
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