Is it true that CBSE-12 Board Exams have been cancelled? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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Is it true that CBSE-12 Board Exams have been cancelled?


Student | Posted on

Since the beginning of coronavirus in the country, it has affected many sectors in the economy. Due to the rise of cases the Central Government of India has shut down the schools and colleges in March 2020. Since that time, every school, college and other institutions have been conducting the online sessions.

The Central Government of India in April 2021 took the decision in regard to cancelling the class 10th board exam and extended the date for class 12th boards till June 2021. Recently, PM of India, Mr

Narendra Modi has declared that there will be no exams held for class 12th in June. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Education Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal with some other Ministers took the decision to cancel the board exam. The Prime Minister has also given relief to the students by declaring this decision as there was a spike of coronavirus in the country.

Earlier, the Central Board of Secondary Education has scheduled the exams of 10th and 12th class both from 4th May. As India was facing the second wave of COVID-19, there was a great concern in the minds of many parents and students related to the health and situation of their child. As and when the dates were released, the petition was released regarding the cancellation of board exams. Looking after the circumstances, CBSE first cancelled the class 10th exams and now class 12th also.

Another concern came up was the marking scheme of the students who were going to appear for the board exam 2021. Reports have come out declaring that there can be different criteria to allot the marks to the students. The marking scheme for the students can be:

The average score from class 9th to 11th.

The government has also given the option to CBSE for objective bases.

Internal evaluation which is conducted by the schools.

Practical marks are added as it is.

The government has also given an opportunity to the students of class 12th to appear in the exams in the later dates if they are not satisfied with the marks allotted to them.


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