We’re never going to use what we study in school in our future life So why do we still waste our so much time in schools? - letsdiskuss
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Rohan Chauhan

Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

We’re never going to use what we study in school in our future life So why do we still waste our so much time in schools?


Entrepreneur | Posted on


Why do you think we’re never going to use what we study in school in our future? It is through that “useless” scribbling on copies – writing things that don’t make sense – do we learn to how to write, calculate, think analytically, observe, understand and decide.

It’s not what we learn – it’s how that affects our brain. Even when we’re learning that we’re never going to use in our future, it grows our brain, make it more agile and sharp, and bring to it the capability to think.

Plus, going to school is much more than reading books and giving exams. It’s a first step in a person’s life towards the social life. When you go to school, you meet new people, you communicate with them, you make friends, you learn about the world and people. This, in turn, shapes your personality and who you would grow up to be.

This is why School-study is a MUST for everyone. But this is something you won’t understand until you have grownup up. Whatever you become in your life, whichever path you take, what you learned and experienced in school would have the most impact on it.

So yes, even when you’re studying things that YOU THINK won’t be applicable in your future, you are NOT WASTING your time in school.

Also read:- What changes Donald Trump should make in Guns law to prevent violence at school in USA?


@letsuser | Posted on

I agree with Preeti that it helps us widen our brain!

But sometimes there is too much of mugging up which drains the brain and in curriculum too there are outdated stuff.