were pasta come from China or Italy? - letsdiskuss
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anika sharma

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were pasta come from China or Italy?


The exact origins of pasta are unknown, but it is believed to have originated in Central Asia thousands of years ago. From there, it spread to China and other parts of Asia, as well as to Europe.

There is a common misconception that pasta was brought to Italy by Marco Polo in the 13th century. However, there is evidence that pasta was already being eaten in Italy before Marco Polo's time. For example, a tomb from the 4th century BC in Etruria, Italy, depicts people making a food that looks very similar to pasta.

It is more likely that pasta was introduced to Italy by Arab traders in the 9th century. Arabs had been making a type of pasta called couscous for centuries, and they may have brought this food with them when they conquered Sicily.

Pasta quickly became popular in Italy, and by the 13th century, it was being eaten by people of all social classes. Pasta was especially popular in southern Italy, where durum wheat, the type of wheat used to make pasta, was grown.

Today, Italy holds the title of being the foremost producer and consumer of pasta worldwide. There are hundreds of different types of pasta available in Italy, and it is a staple of the Italian diet.


Also read- How to make Creamy Pasta Salad?


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Pasta, as far as we might be concerned today, is generally ordinarily connected with Italian cooking, and Italy is frequently credited with its innovation. In any case, the historical backdrop of pasta is more mind boggling and goes past one country.

1. China:Noodles, a direct relation of pasta, have been a staple of Chinese cooking for north of 2,000 years. Chinese noodles are normally produced using wheat or rice flour and are viewed as one of the earliest types of pasta-like dishes.

2. Italy: "pasta" itself comes from the Italian word for batter. Italy has a rich custom of pasta making, with different shapes and types of pasta being created and consumed for quite a long time. Italian pasta acquired overall notoriety through its different shapes and the improvement of durum wheat pasta, which is appropriate for drying and stockpiling.

3. Historical Influence: There's proof of the trading of culinary information among China and Italy along the Silk Street. While it's trying to pinpoint precisely when pasta advanced from China to Italy, the trading of food culture through exchange and investigation probably assumed a part.

Generally, while the idea of noodles or pasta-like dishes existed in China some time before Italy, Italy is prestigious for the improvement of an immense range of pasta shapes and its fundamental job in promoting pasta in the Western world. Subsequently, both China and Italy have huge verifiable associations with pasta, each with its novel customs and culinary commitments.
