What are some books to read for beginners? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

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What are some books to read for beginners?


Teacher | Posted on

Books are said to be our best friends and it’s never too late to grab a book and get lost in a whole new world. Good and popular books these days are available in many languages these days, thanks to the technology of translation. To have a real slice of life from all possible aspects, one may read the following books:

1. Harry Potter series

If you don’t believe in magic, you will never find it. It’s this philosophy with which J K Rowling has written all the seven Harry Potter novels. These books would encourage you to find magic in the most unexpected places. It just takes a swish and a flick.

Apart from the magic and fantasy, Harry Potter series provides its readers a portrayal and stark criticism of various social evils like Racism, Institutionalism, and so on. It is a great read for the readers of psychological and detective novels as well.


2. Ministry of Utmost Happiness

Recently published, the second novel of Booker Prize winning author Arundhati Roy takes you to a tour of Old Delhi and Kashmir. Arundhati Roy’s writing in the novel is like smoke, which gets into those places where society has forbidden us to look into. The novel tells the story of many historical and contemporary events of India from the view point of forbidden communities like Hijras or Eunuchs to Kashmiri Militant.

Ministry of Utmost Happiness

3. And Then There Were None

If you love thrill and suspense, this novel is written just for you. One of the best detective fiction writers, Agatha Christie delves into the psychology of a court judge and explains what makes him commit the most heinous of crimes just for the sake of it.

And Then There Were None

4. Godaan

The best novel by Munshi Premchand in so many ways, Godaan describes for you the intricacies of the village life. Premchand throws a light on the misfortune of the poorer section of society in pre independent India which is the consequence of brutal policies of government. It’s originally written in Hindi and is available in English translation as well.


5. Raag Darbaari

Another great Hindi novel, written by Shrilal Shukla, Raag Darbaari full of satire and humour. It criticizes The Indian administration in post Nehruvian India in an enjoyable manner. The scenario discussed there is no less relatable t the contemporary political scenario of the country. This novel is also available in English Translation.

Raag Darbaari

There are many other good books that can grab your attention, keep you engaged throughout and can provide food for thought. Some of them are novels by Khaled Hosseini, Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, and so on. Happy reading.


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

It is never too late to start reading again. Reading is the one activity that helps you in fight depression, escape the reality and takes you into another universe. The books we read help us understand the world better and we become a better person.

But many of us do not have the reading habit right from childhood and as adults, we don't know where to start. It can be very confusing because of the amount of books available in the market and you are not sure where to start so below are books that keep you hook with them for a long time.

1. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

It is a story about Amir and Hassan are young boys who spend their days playing together but there is something that divides them. It is the class difference as Amir is a rich Pashtun boy but Hassan is his servant's son. It is a story of growing up, discovering family secrets and making life-long friendships, this novel is bound to touch you.

2. Malgudi Days by R K Narayanan

It is a perfect book who wants to indulge in some nostalgia. The narration is simple to read and yet, it carries a very typically Indian childhood in it. It is a compilation of 32 short stories, all located in Malgudi, an imaginary town in South India. The stories are so real that you don't feel like any bit of it is fictional.

3. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

The story is set in Kerala and shifts between childhood and adulthood of twins Rahel and Esthappen. The novel covers the cultural issues faced by a typical Keralite society, that of Communism, the caste system and the Syrian Christian way of life.

4. The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald

The story is about a mysterious rich man Jay Gatsby. Jay is a millionaire known for his lavish parties but the strangest part is that he never attends them.

5. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

The story is about journey of Holden who finds that he is about to say goodbye to his childhood to enter the adult world. Like any teenager, he finds it tough and even plans on running away to become an introvert. However, you need to read the book to see if he actually takes the step.



Blogger | Posted on

If you happen to read a nice book and felt that reading books is fun then here we go .. I would suggest you to read the following books … Hope you will have a great time reading these books …

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Godfather by Mario Puzo

Harry Potter (entire series ) by J K Rowling (believe me .. Harry potter books are 13 times better than Harry Potter movies.. )

Not a Penny More, Not a Penny less by Jeffrey Archer


accountant at Indo Gulf Garments Trading LLC | Posted on

Being a tenderfoot, you would need to peruse 150–350 paged books, ideally on subjects that hold your advantage. When you get your musicality, you could explore and differentiate. A portion of my proposals, in no specific request:

Thin estimated Picks:

Animal Farm by George Orwell (Classic Fiction)

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie (Mystery Fiction)

And afterward There Were None by Agatha Christie (Mystery Fiction)

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (Classic Fiction)

The Gift of The Magi by O. Henry (Short Story)

The Help by Katheryn Stockett (Fiction)

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (Fiction)

Em and The Big Hoom by Jerry Pinto (Fiction)


Blogger | Posted on

These are a few hints from an energetic peruser to apprentice.

Above all else, congratulations on the idea of beginning the perusing. Its a tremendous World and you are going to cherish it.

Consider what sort of kind you need to peruse, it could be your decision of fiction or reasoning or sentiment and so forth.

In the wake of organizing the above consider the sort; short stories or protracted books you need to appreciate.

After that pick books of your own language, the language you talk every day. I'm certain our writing has books for each language.

When you begin perusing , begin to picture the characters and scenes and become hopelessly enamored with your book's storyline.

Subsequent to getting a charge out of that you can pick any book of your preferred classification and writer and second language you know and begin perusing.


Blogger | Posted on

The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger.


Blogger | Posted on

This is a famous classic. Almost all native English speakers will have read this book at some point in school. So, if you ever find yourself in a conversation about literature and books, this is a good one to talk about. At some points it has a little bit of difficult vocabulary, however, it is short and you won’t have too much trouble being able to finish it. “


student | Posted on

These are arrangements of barely any books which are reasonable for learners as these books will be anything but difficult to understand and will give practically new measurements to your reasoning. These books have a ground-breaking plot and will assist tenderfoots with upgrading their jargon and will drag them into the universe of narrating. I have perused every one of them and I emphatically accept that every one of them will have an effect on you for the remainder of your lives.

These are LEVEL ONE books for each one of the individuals who dread perusing yet need to peruse.

The kid in stipped pajama by John Boyne

Short, fresh, simple to peruse however exceptionally amazing.

Ideal blend of youth guiltlessness and German Nazi ghastliness.

Brief look at Hitler, death camp and a youngster