What are some love poems that will touch my heart? - letsdiskuss
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Abhishek Gaur

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What are some love poems that will touch my heart?


Love is one of the most beautiful concept in the world. It brings us closer and helps us understand each other from inside and out. Love can be conveyed through various mediums. One of them is through a beautifully written poem. Therefore, here is a list of the top 7 love poems one can recite to their loved ones to convey how much they love each other:

  1. 'Come And Be My Baby' by Maya Angelou
  2. 'Bird Understander' by Craig Arnold
  3. 'Habitation' by Margaret Atwood
  4. 'The More Loving One' by W.H. Auden
  5. 'Love And Friendship' by Emily Brontë
  6. 'To Be In Love' by Gwendolyn Brooks
  7. 'A Red, Red Rose' by Robert Burns


(Image Courtesy: Google)

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