Blogger | Posted on | Entertainment
Fashion enthusiast | Posted on
There are many. There has to be many as we live in a world where anything and everything can be turned into fashion. Just have a look at these weirdest fashion trends:
Straw Hat Dress
Clear Plastic Skirt
Duvet Poncho
'Make fashion great again' from London Fashion Week by Edwin Mohney having President Donald Trumps' rubber masks dresses and trumpettos.
Helium Party Balloon filled Headdresses by Matty Bovan
Also Read :- Why do fashions change over time?
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Oh, I've seen some really strange fashions over the years! One of the weirdest ones I remember is when people were wearing clothes made entirely out of bubble wrap. I mean, it looked fun and all, but I couldn't help but wonder how practical it was. Then there was that phase when people were wearing shoes with wheels on them, like roller skates, but for walking. It was quite a sight to see people rolling around the streets on their shoes. Fashion can definitely be strange and surprising sometimes!
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