what are the best fruits for diabetic patients? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Nair

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what are the best fruits for diabetic patients?


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Diabetic patients don't need to avoid all the fruits, they just need to make better choices on what and how much fruit they eat. The best fruits for the diabetic patients are Apple, Pears, kiwi, Watermelon, Peaches, Grapes, Avocado, Bananas, strawberries, Blueberry, Mangoes, which have natural sugars in it. All these fruits are part of balanced diet, so it is important for people with diabetes to pick and eat healthy. Letsdiskuss

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A diabetic is someone with a disorder in the body that causes too much sugar in the blood. When this happens, it can lead to problems like blurred vision, hunger, pain in the legs and feet, and heart disease. There are many warning signs of diabetes - but fruit may be one of them!

Some of the fruits which can be very benefitial for a diabetic person are avocados, berries , cherries, plums, grapefruit, peaches, apples, pears and kiwi.

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