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Urmila Solanki

BBA in mass communication | Posted on | Food-Cooking

What are the health benefits of turmeric?


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Turmeric and particularly its most dynamic compound curcumin have some deductively demonstrated medical advantages, for example, the possibility to forestall coronary illness, Alzheimer's and disease. It's a strong mitigating and cancer prevention agent and may likewise help improve side effects of melancholy and joint inflammation.


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Turmeric commonly found in every Indian household kitchen is not less than a miracle-aid. Curcumin an active ingredient present in turmeric is infused with powerful biological properties. There are several health benefits of turmeric and haldi is coined as a powerful spice of all. The history of turmeric traced back to ten thousand years.

Read on the proven health benefits of turmeric.

Cures Arthritic Pain

The anti-inflammatory properties present in turmeric have been proven to relieve arthritis pain. Anyone suffering from this condition should consume this spice on a daily basis to get relief from joint pains and inflammation.

Prevents Cancer

The component curcumin present in turmeric helps to fights against cancer and in boosting the effects of chemotherapy. Haldi is cited to promote the holistic health of the body.

Improves Digestion

Another health benefits of turmeric, is that it can treat the digestive issues. It is known to reduce the symptoms of bloating, and you can have relief from digestion. Having a glass of warm turmeric milk can be beneficial too.

Boosts skins health

Rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties it is effective in treating multiple skin problems. Turmeric face mask can increase glow in your skin. If you don’t believe, try it yourself.

Delay in diabetes

Turmeric helps to moderate the insulin levels and delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in people with pre-diabetes.

However, it is always safe to consult a health professional before combining turmeric with medication.


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