What are the scientific evidence for and against the existence of aliens? - letsdiskuss
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Viku Singh

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What are the scientific evidence for and against the existence of aliens?


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There are some reasons to think aliens might exist, and some reasons to doubt it.

Evidence that aliens might exist:

1. The universe is really big and really old. There are billions of galaxies with billions of stars, some of which are very old. This means there's a lot of time and places for aliens to exist.

2. Life needs certain things, like water and carbon. These things are found in many parts of the universe, not just on Earth.

3. We've found tiny bits of stuff called organic molecules in space rocks like meteorites and comets. These molecules are like the building blocks of life. This suggests they could have come to Earth on space rocks and helped life start here.

4. There are other planets around stars that aren't the Sun. Some of these planets could have conditions that are good for life, like having liquid water.

Evidence that aliens might not exist:

1. We've never found any proof of aliens, like fossils, living creatures, or special chemicals made only by living things.

2. The space between stars is huge. Even if aliens wanted to visit us, it would take a very long time, even if they traveled as fast as light.

3. Many places in the universe are really tough for life. Some planets are way too hot or cold, have too much radiation, or don't have water, which is essential for life.

So, we don't know for sure if aliens are out there or not. But scientists are excited to keep looking for them to find out!


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