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Home maker | Posted on | Food-Cooking

What can I cook in the morning that is easy and tasty at the same time?


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

Morning is the time when everybody seems to be in a hurry and cooking something in a very short span of time is very easy and tasty could be Veg Macaroni. It is a very popular snack among children and adults and does not take that much time. It gets ready instant and perfect to tickle your taste buds in the morning.
Ingredients required:
Macaroni, onion, tomatoes, capsicum, garlic paste, ajinomoto powder, oil-as per the requirement, according to the sauce-as needed, salt - according to the taste.
Method to cook:
First place the macaroni in a vessel and after pouring enough water into it, add one teaspoon of oil and boil. When the Macaroni is boiling, peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. Wash tomatoes and capsicum and cut them also into small pieces.
Now, heat oil in a frying pan and when the oil starts getting hot, add chopped onion and fry it until it gets golden. After this, add capsicum and garlic paste into the pan and fry it well, too. Now, add tomatoes into the pan and cook for a while. When the tomatoes are smashed, put boiled macaroni into it and cook it for 1 minute. After that turn off the flame and keep the lid on it for another 1 minute and your macaroni is ready to serve.