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varma R

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what can the reasons of Modi-s win in elections


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Yes he'll win definitely.

I'm at my home during winter vacations ,my 5 YO cousin was singing a song in Rajasthani today-
“Kamal phool ri chap h or desh ri shan h ,vote BJP ne deno hai . Jitela re jitela BJP hi jitela”
(Symbol of lotus and pride of nation , we should vote for BJP . BJP will win, BJP will surely win).
I was little bit angry on his innocence <3 nd I told him “chup hoja teri BJP har jagh haar gyi”.
(stop it, your bjp has defeated everywhere.)
He told me “ jija hukum BJP haari hai modi nhi”.(bjp lost , not modi)
I was shocked that only 5 YO child know about modi. Bcz modi knows how to be in headlines . No doubt he is working hard for our nation but he rules on Indian hearts too.
In Rajasthan people can't think about RaGa at all.
There is sympathy for modi nd there is a image of modi that he thinks about country and rahul is just a joker.
Even after so called “Karj mafi" in my village farmers are like “kuch bhi kaho congress ko desh barbad krna hai”
(Whatever congress just wants to destroy our nation).


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no, sure but something was wrong, it may EVM settings,