What is it like being a girl in a Brown Household? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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What is it like being a girl in a Brown Household?


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Before discussing a girl in the brown household, let us be clear about the brown household. The family where all the members are bound to follow the elders’ rules, regulations, and decisions is referred to as a brown household. The brown parent can not tolerate kids suggesting or speaking over their voice. In a brown household, kids have no right to take any stand or share their opinion with others. They are always suppressed from an early age. So they feel depressed and anxious. Continuous ignorance of their viewpoints often disbalances their mindset.

Suppose a brown girl raises her voice to her brown parents, she is bound to hear taunts. And they always pressurize their girl child to score high in their academics. And if they fail to do so, they are compared with the toppers and cousins. This is enough to lower their confidence.
Brown kids are always inspired by white friends who are self-dependent. It helps to boost the lost confidence and gain the power to talk to their brown parents looking at their eyes. But then the parents may ask them to leave their house.
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According to brown parents, their decision is the best and correct decision for their child. They tend to throw their decision over their child.
Even if their decision is genuinely advantageous for their girl child, the result depends on the nature of the child. If the child is not so sensitive but cool, the parent’s decision may result in fruitfulness. But if the child is sensitive, such dominance can make the child more sensitive and negative.
Well, all humans have the right to speak, decide, suggest irrespective of age group. It improves the cognitive skills of the child irrespective of gender.