What is overthinking? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is overthinking?


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Overthinking is an often unpleasant process in which our thoughts go to extremes. It doesn't help us at all solving problems, making decisions, or understanding the world around us. It's frustrating because it makes life harder and more stressful when you should be trying to relax or take a break from thinking altogether. You will find that your mind will stop whirring after a few minutes of contemplation, but it'll start up again 10 seconds later no matter what you do.

The best way to overcome this problem is actually through mindfulness techniques like meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy.


Also Read- Can overthinking destroy your mental peace?


Working Student | Posted on

Overthinking is a type of thinking characterized by worry, excessive reflection, and subjective feelings. When someone overthinks an issue, they have a difficult time accessing their "gut" or "instinct" reactions without getting bogged down with a lot of thought processes and logical reasoning.

This often leads to inaction or rash decisions because the person may be too consumed in trying to plan everything well that they forget about the importance of going with their initial gut reaction. In this way, overthinking can lead to paralysis as your thoughts never come together which makes it hard for you to make decisions quickly. This is also true when using exaggerated planning as a defense mechanism from decision-making which can be counterproductive overall.
