What is pitfall of dieting? - letsdiskuss
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Yamini Agrawal

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What is pitfall of dieting?


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Every individual wants to look attractive, slim and trim. An individual who is overweight want to reduce weight and thus starve for reducing weight. Many times this keep their meals to lose weight, they sometimes take slimming pills to reduce weight. This cause serious health problem.

Causes of pitfall of dieting are -

1. The person take diet without fat and less carbohydrate by which health is affected.

2. People often skip meals to reduce weight whereas in next meal they take large amount of food.

3. People often think that drinking water or liquid makes them to gain weight which is wrong.

4. Many people feel and stresses that they are overweight thus go for pitfall.

5. Sometimes people take slimming pills to reduce weight without consultation with doctor that may be fatal.


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