What will happen to my Facebook data if I delete my account? - letsdiskuss
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Rakesh Singh

Delhi Press | Posted on | Science-Technology

What will happen to my Facebook data if I delete my account?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

If you are done with Facebook and tired of seeing every little detail about old friends from high school or whatever the other reason is to consider delete your Facebook account then, you have two options to choose.

You can either delete your account permanently or deactivate your account temporarily.

Ifyou permanentlydelete your account, youwillnot be able to regain access toyour accountagain, ever. Most personal information like your email address and photos will be removed forever. However, some photo of yours may still exist on the Facebook servers for what they they refer to as “technical reasons” but that photos are not connected to you and will not be accessible to other Facebook users.

But, if you are not sure to make the commitment to say “goodbye?”, temporarily deactivating your account is the option for you. Your profile will not visible to others if you choose this option and your friends will no longer see on Facebook but messages you sent to them will be visible. Your timeline information like your posts, photos, interests and pages you liked will be saved in case, you change your mind and want to reactivate your account again.


Also read:- How to download copy of your Facebook data?


Blogger | Posted on

You won't have the option to reactivate your record. Your profile, photographs, posts, recordings, and everything else you've included will be for all time erased. You won't have the option to recover anything you've included.