Which cryptocurrency is best for the e-commerce field? - letsdiskuss
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Which cryptocurrency is best for the e-commerce field?


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I am not sure I understand the question. Or, the question isn’t really clear.

But whatever kind of answer you’re looking for, here’s something you need to understand…

In India, while cryptocurrency isn’t exactly “illegal”, it’s also NOT legal. Yes, that’s a complicated statement to understand but that’s how it is. Now go figure! There’s a reason why almost all big crypto exchange in the countries have shut down. And in the coming days, the central bank and government will further tighten its regulative rope around these digital currencies, completely blocking their existence.

So, using cryptocurrency in any of your business is a bad idea. And this is just as true even if you’re based outside India. Many big countries have taken the same stance against the cryptos.

So, if you’ve asked which cryptocurrency you should use to accept payments from customers, the answer is NONE.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Twitter)

Aside from the legal complications, even from the business point-of-view, using crypto is a bad idea. Imagine you accept payment of 0.00023 BTC when its price was high but its price crashes when you try to cash it in your currency. The price instability of cryptos poses an unnecessary threat to business. It adds the risk. Moreover, it stakes your liquidity. If you’re going to hold your crypto until the price spikes, you don’t know when the price will rise; that could be a long wait.

Then there’s always the risk of “what government/central bank will do now” about its regulative measures around cryptocurrencies. And this will always put a threat on your business.

Ripplenet (Courtesy: Banking Frontiers)

But even after all the explanation, you’re hell-bent to use cryptocurrency for the e-commerce field, I would suggest you use Ripple. Although its price fluctuates just as much, it has the backing of many top names which improves its credibility.

Hope this answers your question.