Who invented carrom? - letsdiskuss
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Aarav Jindal

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Who invented carrom?


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The exact origins of carrom are uncertain, as it has evolved over time from traditional Indian board games. Carrom is a tabletop game that has been played for centuries in various parts of the world, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It is believed to have derived from games like Chaupar and Pachisi. As the game gained popularity, it spread to different regions, adapting various names and variations along the way. While it is difficult to attribute its invention to a specific individual, carrom's evolution is a result of the contributions of different cultures and communities over the years.

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Carrom is a well known tabletop game that started in India and has been delighted in for quite a long time. However, it is difficult to pinpoint a single person who invented it. It is believed that various Indians' collective efforts and contributions led to the development of Carrom over time. The game has a long cultural history and has been passed down through generations, so its precise origins and the names of its creators are a mystery. By the by, it is broadly recognized as a native game beginning in the Indian subcontinent.