Why Ayodhya is high up on the BJP-s political agenda once again? - letsdiskuss
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Why Ayodhya is high up on the BJP-s political agenda once again?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Because we’re closing to General Election 2019. Isn’t that a no-brainer to guess?

Let’s get to the shock factor first. It’s shocking how confident BJP (and RSS) looks to win elections by simply triggering the Ayodhya topic and Hindu-Muslim debate. It’s actually a scary mirror to the kind of country we’re living in where such talks still influence voters’ opinions and ideas.
It has been decades and politicians still try to score points on the Ram Mandir and Babri Masjid.
Imagine the number of such radicalized people we have here(in either community). It’s like we’re a country of boiling steam that can burst any day upon a green signal from the politicians and sell-out media. They can talk about Ayodhya and trigger a large population who’s already corrupted with the Hindu-Muslim debates on new channels. The lynching,murders and other such heinous crimes that are new to India are the product of the same culture that has flourished and gained momentum in the past 4 years.
In 2014, the Ram Mandir topic played a significant role in amassing a large group of voters for BJP. The extreme-end of a community – who still believe that God needs a particular place to live – put its faith on BJP. In return, BJP leaders promised that they will build Ram Mandir on the same controversial land. Over the course of 4-years, the whole topic was pushed under the rug. Because even BJP knew an Ayodhya-win wouldn’t be very simple—not politically, socially and judicially.
However, in recent times, these extreme bunch who voted for BJP were out of patience. You would always hear their statements here-and-there about their displeasure with BJP for failing to keep its Ram Mandir promise. BJP didn’t care much—not until now as we’re nearing the General Election 2019.
To remain in power, BJP needs the support of these Ayodhya-fanatics (who, surprisingly, are even greater in number now vs. 2014, courtesy of the propagandas we have been fed on new channels over the 4 years). So, with General Election 2019 almost half-a-year away, BJP (and RSS) are back at appeasing the same group.
The Ayodhya topic has been brought back into the mainstream. One, to appease the large number of voters who are still hung up to the past of Ram-Mandi-Babri-Masjid. Two, to trigger Hindu vs. Muslim debate to segregate voters in their favour. Three, to distract everyone off the important topics.
Faizabad is now Ayodhya. This seems to be a good first-step in wooing the fanatic group. Let’s wait and see what the second step would be! If I were to guess, at least one Riot is happening somewhere in UP before the General Election 2019.


Blogger | Posted on

Why are you thinking about this? The central election will be held in 2023. Why BJP will do this now. Don't put this type of questions for getting little views.


Blogger | Posted on

Question is truly strain to feel that truly Ram Mandir is only a policy driven issues which is utilized by BJP once the races comes.

Since in India's present situation in Center there is BJP government and Ram Mandir place is in Ayodhya which is situated in Utterpradesh where is BJP government .

At that point currently time necessitated that you explain this issue however they are not intrigued in light of the fact that they know better that in the event that issue of Ram Mandir will be unraveled, at that point One of the most policy centered issue will be done so our political purposeful publicity will be gone Down .

In any case, This Issue is In Supreme Court where both of Hindu and Muslim Advocate are giving their perspective on this issue But Supreme Court has given this explanation that We will take is just as Land issue of individual however not as Religion .

From various perspectives BJP pioneer utilize this as political purposeful publicity current model is Gujarat where Prime pastor was given this explanation that Mandir issue will be tackled soon so you give me votes .But after decisions there are no discussing the Ram Mandir yet in news channels (generally) are giving information on Hindu and Muslim and attempt to showing The National Syllabus Of Hate this is the most risky thing .