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Ayorima Mitra

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why do people think social media marketing is about posting in Facebook?


SEO Analyst | Posted on


As we know there are several social media platforms which are generally used for business such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are considered as essential tools for the modern marketer. As more and more users are using these social media platforms to find new firms, companies and to engage with their favorite brands. However, most of the companies can’t be present at once, especially for the small businesses having tight marketing budgets. That’s why it’s essential for the businesses to be more focused about social media platforms that they want to build their presence.

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In today’s social media world, Facebook is considered as one of the best social media platforms for marketing by businesses to reach their target audience and clients. Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform with the most number of audience’s nearly 2.2 billion active users. Facebook users are generally of all age groups especially between 19 to 32 globally.

You can easily feed other social media accounts with Facebook including Instagram photos, Pinterest pins, and Google check-ins. You can also easily configure Twitter to post tweets to your Facebook timeline every time you tweet.

The think that makes Facebook as one of the best social media platforms for marketing by businesses as it has its own targeted digital advertising platform. With Facebook ads, you can easily target those audiences who are ready to purchase your products or services. As Facebook ensures that an individual’s business gets ad content at the right time and even in front of the right users which increases its success possibilities. So these are the main reasons due to which most of the people think that social media marketing is only about promotion on Facebook.


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People use social media handles to be updated to the outside world and connect with people. Usually, people do conversations with others and posts some of their pictures or events. But for businesses, Social media handles offer a great opportunity to create brand awareness by showing Ads that can reach more and more people that they want by targeting the audience.