Will children find it difficult to go back to school after covid 19? - letsdiskuss
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Will children find it difficult to go back to school after covid 19?


Student | Posted on

School is an important part of any children life.But because of the pandemic the children had to stay their home.In this fast-track life we forget the importance of teachers and to play with friends but we all know badthings happen for a good cause and this pandemic teaches children the importance of school life and the unforgettable love of our friend and now they will be more energetic and happy to go to school to meet their friends and teacher.


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Student | Posted on

School is a very important part of a child's life. This is the time when they will know how to behave, they will gather knowledge. Due to this pandemic, the government decided to close all schools and Colleges. After a long time children will find it difficult to go school because they were not that habitual to sit at one place and study continuously. For some days this may get boring for them.