How to make Momos Chutney? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How to make Momos Chutney?


Home maker | Posted on

Half of the thrill and spice of delicious momos is in its chutney. It’s so drool-worthy that many of us even use it with other food items too. Be it pakodas, French fries, or chili potato, it adds taste and spice to almost everything.

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Here’s how you can make it yourself.


• Tomatoes: 3
• Red Chili: 5-6
• Cumin: 3 teaspoons
• Black pepper: 4-5
• Garlic: 3 buds
• Lemon juice: 3 teaspoons
• Salt: According to taste


• Separate the tails and seeds of red chili.

• Wash the tomatoes, and cut them vertically into thin pieces. Also, peel the garlic buds.

• Pour 2 cups of water in a pan and keep it on the gas stove to boil. Add red chili and tomatoes to the water and stir.

• Boil till tomatoes are cooked. Turn off the gas stove and let the mixture cool. After it has cooled down, drain the leftover water.

• Now roast cumin and black pepper in a separate pan. And keep them separately.

• Now grind the tomatoes and chili mixture, black pepper and cumin, and garlic buds in a mixture.

• Add lemon juice to it.

Momo Chutney is ready.