What should be the role of woman and man in a relationship? - letsdiskuss
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Sumil Yadav

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What should be the role of woman and man in a relationship?


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I don’t know why we talk about a man and a woman when it comes to relationships. According to me, things are easier when we look at the matter as two human beings in love rather than a man and a woman in love.

Because when we see any relationship through the lens of gender, there comes the question of power politics as we can’t deny, we live in a society which is deeply rooted in patriarchy.

So I would rather like to answer your question by discussing the role of any person in a relationship and what contribution he/she should make towards it.

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The first and foremost role of every person towards a relationship is to build trust. You have to be honest enough to make your partner sure that she/he can trust you blindly. Trust is the base on which you have to build the castle of your relationship.

Apart from this, never try to change your partner, or hope that they will change for you. True love means accepting someone just the way they are.

To ensure happiness in a relationship further, try speaking and communicating each and every feeling of yours. Remember you have not loved if you have not expressed.

These basic things can surely help you build a good relationship. All the best!


Student | Posted on

Since medieval times,due to our patriarchal setup,roles have been assigned as per the gender of an individual. As per these gender roles,the man is supposed to be the breadearner of the family and the woman,the homemaker.These gender roles have been equally toxic for both the genders. For women,it has been a major source of restriction,low self esteem, low self confidence and has shunned any ideas or dreams emerging in their heads. For men,it has acted like a burden,promoted toxic masculinity as well and has put undue pressure on them leading to severe mental illnesses in them. But with changing times and an emphasis on an egalitarian society,these roles have started diminishing. So,according to me,roles for both the genders should be the same. Both of the spouses should be equally honest to each other as honesty is the foundation on which any relationship is based. Both of them should be supportive of each other’s actions to help each other bloom in their respective fields.Both of them should also be equally willing to make the relationship work and take it forwards and to keep the love they share intact.