Which is the most honest News Channel of India, and why? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Which is the most honest News Channel of India, and why?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

In a democratic and republic state like India, there is a significant role of free and fair journalism practice. This allows the public to get the unadulterated truth.

India being a democratic country, is flooding with different news channels but the question is, are all the news channels honest, and do they do their work without any bias? Of course, in a democratic country, one can never be sure about corruption.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Scoop.it)

We need to think if these channels show full truth, or they leave some things in the dark, just to manipulate the public.

Sometimes we see different versions of the same incident being described on different channels. Just to increase their TRP, some channels manipulate the facts about serious incidents and crimes like Terrorist Attacks and Riots.

And the advertisements they show in between, are the biggest parameter to determine how these channels function to get money.

Sometimes they keep showing and raising the same issues to overshadow the part that needs more attention or the one that may outrage the public.

So according to me, running a news channel in India is also a business which is done for the favor of one party and for the money they get.