Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S for the Crisis in Ukraine? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

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Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S for the Crisis in Ukraine?


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John Mearsheimer is a political scientist who always criticized America’s foreign policy and was against it. Reporters asked John Mearsheimer why the Ukraine crisis was wests fault as claimed by him. He answered that Russia was preparing for war for a long time due to its aggression for which westerns are responsible.


There are several historical reasons behind west’s fault. Back in 2008, NATO agreed to Georgia and Ukraine. So, the Russian then, made it very clear that they may capture anytime and call a war. Later, in that year Georgia was invaded by Russia and the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia was under Russia’s control. Mearsheimer pointed out and told that “My argument is that the West, especially the US, is principally responsible for this disaster”.

Many people thinks that after conquering Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin will also plan a war to invade the Baltic States like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. But Mearsheimer proved it wrong and gave two possible reasons why Putin will not invade Baltic States. According, to Mearsheimer Baltic states are a part of NATO and the second reason is an obvious reason that Putin is not interested in Baltic States. Mearsheimer argues that China is one of the biggest enemies of Washington. So, United States should look into it rather than focusing on Europe. John Mearsheimer twitter handle has been flooded with comments regarding his accusation against US. Everyone is using #Mearsheimer and tweeted their opinion about his controversial arguments. The arguments made by Mearsheimer was very logical so, no one could do cross-argument.

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Since the end of the Cold War, political analyst John Mearsheimer has been among the most well-known opponents of American foreign policy. Mearsheimer is indeed a supporter of great-power politics, a branch of realistic international relations that posits that states will act in advance of adversaries in the self-interested pursuit of national security. For years, John Mearsheimer has claimed that the United States' drive to extend NATO eastward and build cordial relations with Ukraine has increased the risk of nuclear war and laid the framework for Vladimir Putin's hostile stance toward Ukraine.


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