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Do you think P Chidambaram arrest is a case of political vendetta by BJP?


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Modi's Govt is using the ED, CBI & sections of a spineless media to character assassinate Mr Chidambaram. I strongly condemn this disgraceful misuse of power.”

That’s the tweet from Rahul Gandhi, clearly indicating the stance that Congress will take in this whole P Chidambaram arrest saga. And his tweet also reflects the evident reason why the majority of this country won’t accept him as their leader because he is, necessarily or unnecessarily, bearing the burden of his party men’s corrupt legacy.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Money Control)

Maybe P Chidambaram arrest is a classic case of political vendetta. It isn’t something we can’t expect from the BJP government.

But then no one can deny that INX media scam did happen. Chidambaram was home minister at the time. He made crucial decisions. His people were the beneficiaries.

Moreover, whatever has happened till now, from court declining his anticipatory bail to CBI arresting him, nothing has happened illegally. Everything is well within the constitutional boundaries.

(Courtesy: Hindustan Times)

So, while I do understand the stand that Congress and the supporters are taking – they have to, after all, Chidambaram is such a big party name – no one can call how things have panned out as unconstitutional or illegal. All they can do is toss the conspiracy theories of political vendetta against Chidambaram. And that’s exactly what they are doing.

(For the uninitiated, back when Chidambaram was Union Home Minister, Amit Shah was arrested on several charges. Now that the tables have turned with Amit Shah as the Home Minister, it is bound to raise questions of how BJP is just trying to get back on a former union minister.)

Nonetheless! Point is simple. Even if BJP is doing this intently out of political vendetta, which it can no doubt, so what? What has happened till now that is so wrong?

If a person can be jailed for a year for stealing Rs 500, why can’t a minister be prisoned after he has exhausted all his possible legal alternatives?

If a person can be jailed for more than a decade on a false accusation, why can’t this country imprison a political leader against who we have plenty of evidence?

P Chidambaram’s arrest is a fine example set in the country that no matter how big your stature is, you can still be jailed. We need more such big names, from across party lines, against who we have serious charges and evidence, to be prisoned. Put them all in jail. Hold these powerful people accountable.

(Courtesy: Hindustan Times)

Hopefully, BJP continues this. Arrest more corrupt Congress politicians. Arrest more criminal BJP politicians as well!

To answer your question, even if P Chidambaram’s arrest is out of political vendetta, I don’t care.

But here’s a sad and interesting thing about this arrest: Do you really think Chidambaram will remain arrested with all the power Congress can flex? Likely NO!

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