A form of marketing with concern about the goods and services which are to be produced and sold with the help of e-commerce business. With the rise of technologies and innovations in the market there is a need for market expansion. Digital marketing gives all sellers a new pathway to expand their business and reach more customers and grow more consumers. Digital marketing involves the marketing campaigns which are held on social media sites with the help of computers, tablets, mobile phones etc. Digital marketing is a source which helps new startups and entrepreneurs to get involved in the current market and get to know more about the opportunities which are prevailing in the environment of the market.

An organisation needs to fulfill the current taste and preferences of their customers. So to be stable and grow in the market the companies have to follow the new technologies which are present in the environment. Full Service Digital Marketing Agency has taken upon the responsibilities for most of the companies on its hands. The following are some of the uses of digital marketing which has to be looked forward to compared with the traditional marketing techniques to modern marketing techniques.
- Reasonable prices : digital marketing is a form of marketing which is less expensive than the other forms of marketing which is present in the market. For instance,digital marketing helps the company to expand more and do advertising for their product at a very cheap cost.
- Easy to access: digital marketing is a form of marketing which can be done even with the smartphone. For example, with the help of email, text, or advertisement, the company can reach their target audience very easily.
- Quick expansion: as the new technology of digital marketing has the world all around the globe, it is beneficial for most companies to access their customers at a very low cost. Digital marketing has made most of the consumer to shop online this will increase the revenue of the company more quickly than the modern techniques.
- Customer loyalty: digital marketing has given customers to shop from any place in the world. To retain the customers in the business, organisations perform different strategies like email offers, connecting with customers on social media platforms etc. These are some of the strategies which will create customer loyalty towards organisation.

Any organisation can never survive in the market without having digital marketing as their one of the marketing strategy. Past few decades have shown that, through digital marketing campaigns, companies can achieve and attain their target audience as well as their aim, both the goals with a single shot. The below mentioned points can describe in brief how the companies can achieve what they have thought.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is considered as one of the most important strategies in digital marketing. SEO works as a person who aims at providing the highest rank/position in the search results in Google. So as to increase the search engine traffic for the organisation, marketors look after the words or phrases which are used by their targeted audience most frequently.
- Pay Per Click: this form of the digital marketing strategy involves paid advertising and promoting the search engine results for the organisation. PPC advertising is located on the top bottom or side of the pages which the consumer is browsing on. As this is a paid form of advertising, if the organisation stops to pay the company the money advertising will be stopped at the very right movement on the web pages.
- Content Writing: the aim of content writing marketing is to spread the awareness in the targeted audience about the product or the services of the organisation. This helps organisations to attract more and more customers when the customers receive the information about the product or service, through story telling or brief descriptions etc. Content writing marketing should post to follow focus on providing value content and should not compromise on the quality of the content. The purpose of content writing marketing is to sustain the loyalty and trust of the customers.

In final analysis, it is very important for every organisation to look after the importance of knowing the changes in the business environment. Digital marketing has given many organisations the opportunity to expand their businesses globally and sustain the loyalty of the customers and grow more.