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Lina Carner

Founder Digitalu | Posted | others

decision making processes


Founder Digitalu | Posted

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They say to show up early, stay late, don't gossip, dress well and walk around the office fast, so you look busy. Really? Sorry, that’s just not going to work. What will impress your boss is results! The boss wants quality work that gets done ahead of schedule. Are you “Smart?” Smart is not about I.Q. but about whether you make smart decisions.

How Do Yo

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Founder Digitalu | Posted

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Have you ever wondered why some people go from one success to another, while others struggle to make it? To a large extent, how they make decisions can explain the difference.

Your decision-making patterns are determined by your early 20’s. Your cognitive strengths and weaknesses are derived from how much time you routinely spend in each of the three stages in decision-ma

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Founder Digitalu | Posted

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The Trouble with Teams

We hire bright, eager employees with excitement for the talent they will bring to our teams. Their education, experience, and work ethic promise to be key components to round out our teams. We then take them on the trendiest team building events talked about in the latest business publications. Maybe a fishing excursion, or goin

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