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Vivan Vatena

student in journalism | Posted | Education

How To Study For Long Hours With Concentration


student in journalism | Posted

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Sadhguru: Today, there is adequate mindfulness about the effect of any sort of intoxicants or stimulants. Prior, they were imprinting in little print on the bundles: "Cigarette smoking is damaging to wellbeing." Today, it is printed as a major picture: "Smoking kills" or "Smoking causes malignant growth".

It's anything but a wrongdoing to have malignancy. In the event that you

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student in journalism | Posted

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#1 Honey is useful for your blood

Nectar impacts the body in various routes relying upon how yo

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student in journalism | Posted

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Are you somebody who has regularly thought about the inquiry – 'What am I great at?' or rather pondered, 'Am I great at anything by any means!'; at that point this blogpost 'On the best way to discover your energy' is for you. Also, on the off chance that you are one of those fortunate spirits who have constantly realized how to manage their lives, I am certain you know sufficient individuals w

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student in journalism | Posted

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Any notice of contemplating and what makes a decent understudy would be inadequate without this Sanskrit shloka. It implies – the five most imperative characteristics that any earnest understudy needs to have are: diligence like a crow (never surrenders), convergence of a heron (who gets angle like nobody else does), rests like a canine (constantly caution), does not over-eat and does not mingl

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