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manish kumar

Blogger | Posted | Sports

Is Cricket Really a Gentlemans Game


Blogger | Posted

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Happy life status: Strong way to live life happily

Do you know our life is really very beautiful and it totally depends on your thinking and attitude? There are people who enjoy their life and happy with everything but there are people who always find

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For somebody who was conceived in the late 90's, I would view myself as unfortunate to not have seen the vintage and gladiatorial stuff, the cricket played between genuine hard, extreme, bold and uncommon gathering of a "men".

A period, where stands would simply top off to watch the insuperable disposition and swagger of Sir I.V.A.Richards, gutsy Gavaskar, colorful Imran Khan,

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It happens each time a reckless new ability touches base on the cricket scene.

Having run the gauntlet of introduction matches, twelfth man choices, once picks, droops and streaks that bless each new choice, and having sunk into the national group as a customary, players like Virat Kohli are then assessed by fans and reporters for their "cricketing frame of mind." In Mr. Kohli

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