If your aircraft has wing washout, it-s designed to stall from ? - letsdiskuss
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Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

If your aircraft has wing washout, it-s designed to stall from ?


Blogger | Posted on

Washout is the design of the aircraft wing with the slight twist reducing the angle of incidence from the root to the tip. In this type of design root will have the higher angle of coincidence than the tip of the wing. This is to make sure that at the any given point of time, the root of the wing will fly at the higher angle of attack than the tip of the wing. This will make the root of the wing to attain the critical angle of attack than the tip and stall first. This will allow the enough airflow over the tips to prevent any rolling motion during the stall.

Video Source - https://youtu.be/WFcW5-1NP60 - Airflow during stall

If your aircraft doesn’t have the wing washout, then it will make the entire wing to stall at the same time resulting in your aircraft to roll aggressively left or right during the stall. In the worst cases, it will also result in the indefinite spin of the aircraft. The main advantage of having the washout in the aircraft is that it will make the stall stable and will prevent the aircraft from collapsing or rolling left or right. Wing Washouts are designed to make the stall stable in the aircrafts.