Is Crona Virus Spreading More Due to Vaccine? - letsdiskuss
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Praveen Kumar

Freelancer | Posted on | Health-beauty

Is Crona Virus Spreading More Due to Vaccine?


translator | Posted on

Of course not.if that was the reason then how did it all happen a year ago when the vaccine was not invented? covid is a virus which spreads from person to person and it's a fast spreader too .that's what I have deduced in the past 1 year and the only way it can be stopped from further spreading is by being responsible ,following the norms set up by the medical fraternity to curb the spread.It is in the hands of the people to control the spread by maintaining social distancing,,use of mask and sanitizer in the public.Hope general public realizes their responsibilities and behave responsibly when they are out of their home.


Student | Posted on

Corona virus, Corona, Covid-19, Covid, Why have I written these?. Because more than any other word we are just listening and talking about Coronavirus only. It has changed our life immensely. Children can not go to school and colleges, adults can not go to office. As small work as buying groceries from the market has become a pain, because going out means you are getting exposed to the virus so now the necessities which earlier were different for everyone have become same for all. One has to carry sanitizer, extra face mask and gloves.

As per my thought and what I have observed. Corona is not spreading more due to Covid Vaccines but yes here, I would like to mention about the Vaccine drives. For the people above 18 years of age, Vaccine drive has just started in India and a lot of people have registered for vaccination.


My fear is what if Corona norms were not followed properly at vaccination centers, what if asymptomatic people will also come for vaccination, and a few more fears like this are haunting me day and night.