Is it lucky to have a mole on palm or not? - letsdiskuss
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Brijesh Mishra

Businessman | Posted on | Astrology

Is it lucky to have a mole on palm or not?


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

According to Astrology, everything, every mark, and every scar has a special significance in one’s life. If the palm lines tell a person about his or her fate, the moles on palm have a different significance.

Let me tell you if it’s lucky to have a mole on palm or not.
Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Sphere Bowl)
1. The Sun Mountain
The Sun Mountain is an elevated part of our little finger, and it is very important. If there is a mole on this part of your palm, it can prove very lucky for you. It can be the cause of respect and prosperity in your life.
2. The Jupiter Mountain
It is the elevated part of our forefinger. If this part has a mole on it, you will never face financial problems in your life.
3. The Saturn Mountain
It is the elevated part on the middle finger. If there’s a mole here, your Shani is good and you will be rich in the future.
4. The Venus Mountain
It is the elevated part under the thumb. If there is a mole on this part, it is unlucky for you. Such people often face problems in their married life.
5. Mole on any of the finger
If there is a mole on any part of any of the finger (except on the mountains), you are very lucky.


Acharya in Vedic Astrology | Posted on

Yeas very true, having mole on the any palm makes the person financially strong.