Chief Administrative Officer at Legrand India | Posted on | Science-Technology
Business Head at Kirati Kreations | Posted on
Quantum computing is all about detecting as well as tackling the important problems that cannot be computed effectively & efficiently by classical means. Reliable Quantum computers helps us to build, test & operate 50 or more qubits. Achieving the potential results, major steps to be followed in both the fields engineering as well as science. In order to make those leaps, various testing, comparing & observing quantum methods are to be followed. Design, manufacturing & operational
activities are most important in this process. One needs the ability to compute accurately the expected quantum amplitudes to test the measured outcomes & arbitrary circuits. Quantum circuits are instruction sets sent to the quantum devices to perform accurate computations. At 50 Qubits, current methods require too much efforts to compute or extra memory is required. IBM research has made a team to solve such issues & the dynamic method included short-depth system circuits of 49 qubits or more. They have come up with some of the methods as well as concrete steps to solve the problem at a greater extent. Some of them are visualizing quantum gates as a bristle brush, simulating 49 as well as 56 qubit circuits using a supercomputer & advances in simulation will help advances in quantum hardware. These were the concrete steps or methods taken to solve the computation problems. With the development of technology, the quantum computers will be advanced where a broad range of scientists & engineers will make utilization of the hardware.
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