what is keyword ranking? - letsdiskuss
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what is keyword ranking?


Blogger | Posted on

The SEO Keyword Ranking measurement quantifies your internet searcher rankings for focused catchphrases and examines changes in that positioning after some time. ... The best 3 catchphrases get most of snaps in list items, with the lion's offer heading off to the main outcome.


digital marketer | Posted on

Why Google keyword rankings should be checked

Choosing the right keywords is very important in SEO. Also, it is very important to check that your website is ranking on the right keywords.
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If your site is very old and the keywords you use are not relevant and outdated, it greatly affects your Google ranking and website traffic.arch 19 to conduct banking operations.

Think about your own search behavior. You try to use fancy or more simple language in search query for your answer. There are many users who use different keyword variations for the same query and as a result, keywords and keyword phrases change over time.

So you should keep updating your keywords from time to time and also check Google keyword rankings as well.

Also, to improve website SEO, you need to properly manage the keywords on your site and find out which keywords are ranking for your site so that you work better on ranking keywords. Can do. In this way, the chances of getting better rank in Google and other search engines increases.

To do this, you will need a keyword rank checker tool which can check the keyword ranking in your website.