What makes Usain Bolt the greatest of all time? - letsdiskuss
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What makes Usain Bolt the greatest of all time?


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Usain Bolt is not an ordinary player. He is titled as the fastest man on earth as per his records in various events. Whether it is 100m, 200m or 400m, he is the one who is believed as simply unbeaten in sprints. The question why is he the greatest athlete of all time haunts too many minds and here are a few reasons.

Letsdiskuss courtesy: GulfNews

• This Jamaican player has a mindset where he keeps cool even in the worst situation and focuses on the game. It is the game that has been much known due to the performance of this legendary runner.
• The perfect blend of sports spirit, hard work and mindset can be seen in all his gestures, and that is why he is positioned among the top players of different games in the world.
• He focuses on not only practice but also improvement all the times, and that is why he is able to break his own records in sprints. He is the player with not only stamina but also with a complete dedication that makes him not only a true runner but also one with amazing work, spirit to game and devotion that is rarely seen in the present era. These qualities of the bolt have made him larger than the game also.