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Mamtesh kumar

Tech Lead | Posted on | Sports

Why Arjuna Awardee boxer sells kulfis ?


Blogger | Posted on

because government is not going any thing they thing only cricket is everything for them nothing else


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

The answer to this is not very difficult to guess. The example of Arjuna Awardee and the India’s pride at Asian Games, former boxer Dinesh Kumar, proves how crippled our system is when it comes to obliging our Indian sportspersons.


Dinesh Kumar sells Kulfi now to repay the debt his father took to send him in national and international tournaments. He is unemployed, and has no other source of income to support his living or to pay his debt.


Now we know why Indian parents hesitate when we tell them that we want to have a non-academic career. They know, from their experience, that our country’s governmental policies do not favor these shining stars. It’s a shameful scenario where Indian cricket players are playing in billions, doing advertisements of cores, and whatnot, while other sportspersons are doing such insecure odd jobs.

Dinesh Kumar has won a total of 17 gold, 1 silver and 5 bronze medals. He trains young boxers at his home now for national and international tournaments, but doesn’t charge anything. He says that he’s capable of becoming a national coach to the boxers but no government has given a thought of recruiting him in any way. He thinks that he at least deserves a stable job from the country’s government, he has provided fame to with his talent, but his hopes are diminishing day by day now.