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Jacob Smith

Blogger | Posted | Education

Blog Post


Blogger | Posted

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When you are on the road driving to work or going on a road trip or even simply going grocery shopping, there are a few items that will come in handy if they were in your car with you. These items may seem insignificant if you really think about it and might even make you not want to purchase them but trust me once you do make the purchase, you will realize how convenient they are to you. The l

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Blogger | Posted

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Child custody is one of the most common cases in the family court nowadays. It happens after couples with small children decided to divorce. Whether it’s the father or the mother, who is asking for full custody or joint custody, it’s a case that is difficult to win especially if both parties are filing for the care of the child. Thus, a custody battle commences. To get acquainted with the proce

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