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shristy singh

Blogger | Posted | Education

Whats the Easiest Way to Learn English


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Having the right skills to be able to speak in detail about the past in English is a great advantage, whether it’s at work or on holiday. You’re probably already very familiar with the simple past and present perfect, and have perhaps also learned to use the past continuous.

The past perfect tense, gives you the missing link that enables you to compare different times and actions in the

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One of the most common things we do in our everyday language is to compare things. It might be comparing restaurants, candidates for a job position, or films to see at the cinema. So how do we make comparatives and superlatives in English? Read on to find out all the information you need about comparing.

What are comparatives and superlatives?

We use comparatives and superlative

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For most English students, the verb ‘get’ can seem quite confusing. You can hear native speakers use it in almost every conversation. What does it mean? And why do you find it in so many different situations? Read on to find out and start to feel more confident using ‘get’.

‘Get’ – an introduction

The verb ‘get’ is well-known to most students of English because it has many diffe

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English Idioms with Common Verbs

1. Hit the books


Literally, hit the books means to physically hit, punch or slap your reading books. However, this is a common English idiom among students, especially American college students who have a lot of studying to do. It simply means “to study,” and is a way of telling your friends that you’re going to st

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News articles are written clearly and directly, making them perfect for learning new vocabulary. Similarly, TV news reports are always spoken with a clear, standard accent from the region (like the U.S., U.K., etc.). This will help boost your listening comprehension skills.

Language is also about making sense of real life issues. News programs focus on issues that you care abou

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You’re not the only person who is looking for the easiest way to learn English. Scientists and linguists (people who study languages) have been trying to find it for years. There have been many studies about how our brains process different languages and language learning, especially in children (who seem to have much less trouble learning new languages).

The problem is that ma

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