Despite being a developed nation, why is Japan behind China in the production of mobile phones? - letsdiskuss
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Despite being a developed nation, why is Japan behind China in the production of mobile phones?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Japan is at the forefront when it comes to industries. There was a time when Japan produced electronic items used to rule the world. Japan is one of the top most countries to be named in Automobile industries and the country’s technological goods perform exceptionally well in global market.

Talking about mobile phone industry, there are many companies which are quite famous, but Japan is still behind China in the production of mobile phones.
Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Japan Times)
Some of the reasons behind this trend are as follows:
• Japan produces quality products, for which it is famous worldwide. Because of quality, the goods produced by Japan are more expensive than the ones produced by China which has become a drawback for the former nation.
• China offers cheap labour and material as compared to Japan. China takes advantage of it.
• China believes more in mass production rather than quality production, and vice versa is true for Japan.
• Due to higher population, production is more in China than in Japan.
• When it comes to new and innovative features, Japan fails to match the level that China has set up.