Do school uniforms make school a more effective place to learn? - letsdiskuss
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Sahil Raghavan

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Do school uniforms make school a more effective place to learn?


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When students are in school uniform there is no distraction from studies because of the different fashionable clothes they are wearing and students can focus on the studies.School uniforms are much cheaper than other clothes and so all parents irrespective of which economical background they belong to, can afford them. Dress codes also help school identify students and outsiders easily in school premises and ensure the safety of the students.School is the place children are taught the basics of life and discipline and behaviorsAnd School uniform is the first step towards achievingthat .



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All schools have uniforms and uniform gives an identity to the school as well as for the students studying there. School uniforms create discipline in the mind of the students and also a sense of responsibility for safeguarding the reputation of their institution.There is no financial disparity when the students reach school in uniform,they are all equal. And this helps in building a healthy lifelong bonding among children .School uniform takes away fashion from a student life so they can concentrate more on the classwork.
