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Milton B. Williams

@letsuser | Posted on | Education

For what reason Should You Choose a Student Dorm?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

Student dormitories indeed prove to be very helpful for those who want to focus on their studies and research without any hindrance or disturbance. Dorms first of all, keep you away from all the filial duties and responsibilities that may burden you emotionally and psychologically and restrict you from pursuing your studies.

Apart form this, dormitories provide the most suitable environment as you are surrounded by like minded students and people and therefore chances of getting distracted are much less.


Living alone, and on you own also makes you more responsible for yourself and help in your overall development.


Student (Delhi University) | Posted on

Student dorms do not only give you a better environment for studies but are also full of fun with friends. One reason behind my wish of becoming the student of Hogwarts was to live in the beautiful dormitories they had there.


Also, I have many engineer friends who have lived in dorms all their student life and their experience tells me that it is totally worth it. You can never learn the things at home which you learn in dorms, with other people. It's a kind of learning that happens outside your classes and research.