Has Modi-s rule not been good for India? Has he failed? - letsdiskuss
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Krish Oddi

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Has Modi-s rule not been good for India? Has he failed?


News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on

Undeniably, there are a lots of ups and downs that have marked the performance of Modi government in his more than four years of rule. If you ask me, it would be hard for me to call Narendra Modi a “good” Prime Minister for the health of the nation.


Even if he comes to power in the next Lok Sabha elections, it will be owing more to a fractured opposition, than to his government’s little achievements.



Blogger | Posted on

All through my youth and high school what I obseved in my minor little village(khammam, telangana) is cutting of trees ,imagining 3 to 5 childs for every family,recently inordinate utilization of vehicles and cellphones. In these 20 years diverse govts laid streets and gave water facilities.But I can state the genuine change in my town is having singular toilets and LPGs,because I think these are the primary driver to numerous ailments and diseases in my town.

Be that as it may, from last a couple of years my town is experiencing a colossal change in this current government.the primary changes are

1 year back there were just 1 or 2 toilets in my town( almost 120 houses, 400 individuals) ,yet now about 40– half houses have toilets and many are under development.

As for utilization of LPG , each family in my town approaches LPG appropriation as everybody go under BPL and each family are enjoyed either cultivating or cultivate coolies.


Blogger | Posted on

No, Modi is surely not efficient or good enough to rule the country.

See what he did to the nation.

Earlier people were living happily under Congress regime with only concern of either earning enough to spent the day or earning and earning more for living luxurious life, but Modiji changed everything like:

1. People started to care about cleanliness and sanitation.
2. Women started to come forward for their rights like sanitation and entry to various restricted places (read sabarimala case)
3. People started talking about economies and for that matter learned a bit about it
4. People got to learn about various taxes and their problems and they being replaced by GST
5. People came to knew that technology can help to reduce corruption
6. People were able to reach to Railways and External Affairs ministry directly