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Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on | Science-Technology

Have you thought of flying like a plane or flying in space?


Business Head at Kirati Kreations | Posted on

It is a lifetime wish for everyone to fly high in the sky with wings or colors. One also wishes to fly like a plane or flying in space. The feeling is an excellent feeling. Flying in an airplane is like the engine starts or roars, the airplane shakes while the quarter is tight. Flying in an airplane for the first time can be an unforgettable feeling but one can all do is be relaxed & prepared.


Once an individual gets engrossed in talking with other person or reading books or magazine, the flying experience in an airplane becomes at ease. One can feel mixed emotions such as fear of flying for the very first time, turbulence is usually minor, meals on a plane can relax your fearful mood, and books work best as a stress reliever & much more. The feeling of flying in a space is completely different. It feels like one is riding on a roller coaster ride. The feeling is more like motionless than the exact movement of the body. People on the space feel zero gravity. They either float in the place or fly through space. As long as one is in the rational control of his or her movements & actions, zero gravity is applicable in the space.