How do I secure WordPress business website? - letsdiskuss
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Rakesh Sharma

student,blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

How do I secure WordPress business website?


Digital Marketing Executive | Posted on

WordPress security is important for every website owner, and you need to focus on the following WordPress website security practices if you want to secure your website-

1. update your WordPress core, plugins, and themes regularly.

2. Don’t give access to your WordPress admin to anyone else.

3. Always use strong and difficult passwords for your website.

4. Always backup your data.

5. Always use the best security plugins.

6. Use a web application firewall.

7. Encrypt data using SSL certificates.

8. Change default admin username

9. Restrict the number of login attempts.

9. Use 2FA.

10. If your website is hacked, you can consult with managed WordPress website malware removal services like SecureLayer7 .net.