How does the phrase -The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall-? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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How does the phrase -The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall-?


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According to Wikipedia, a phrase is a group of words, often carrying a special idiomatic meaning. In this sense, it is synonymous with expression. So " the greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time fall" is a perfect example of a meaningful phrase. This phrase is very simple and easy but at the same time can be a very difficult and powerful one. This phrase talks about life. And life talks about failures and overcomings. We all had several failures in life that have succumbed to defeat, scattered us into pieces. But we all have somehow managed to make a way through it. Transversed through the tough times and emerged out every time of hope. Whenever we thought it was the end. It was just the beginning of a new chapter.


No one's life is easy. Life is a story of failures and overcomings and realise the validity of failures until we face them. The most achievable moment of life is to rise every time. The feeling behind every rise can't be expressed in words. This phrase has given great meaning to life. It simply explains that the greatest, highest glory, pride is in the process of rising after we fall. Someone who has not faced failure has not yet faced reality. We should never fear falling. Should we fall ourselves and have that courage that we can rise again, we can fly again.